Learning by Experience 24

On time and energy management...

1998-2001: One of the most important issues I learned in my third job was time and energy management. It was a company that was in the process of being established and therefore the systems, processes and HR structure were in its infancy ...

In this case, we, the employees, made it a habit to work between 8:30 and 23:00. So much so that at around 19:30 we were going to the corner cafe for dinner, and at 20:30 we were back to work. Despite this long work and effort, the mistakes we made in recent times started to increase, we could make very difficult decisions by the team, I forgot the words and so on during a presentation to the regional president because of tiredness😊 I learned very clearly and promised myself: From now on, I would never "work" this way and work my team. I keep my promise since 2001🙏🏻

Those who know me know, I normally work 09.00-18.00. I am very passionate about my job and I believe in the benefit of protecting personal energy to work ... I think I manage the time perfectly well to stay within these hours.


In special cases, of course, long hours can be worked, but if this is a routine, there is a problem in the system or your time management.