Learning by Experience 3

Our values ​​determine who we are.

3rd Saturday, 3rd article. I assigned 52 Saturdays in 2020 to myself. In the first articles we talked about some values such as courage, hardworking, humility... Knowing what the values ​​of a person is very important in predicting how she can achieve happiness in life, company, with friends and spouse. Our values ​​determine who we are! Leadership is only possible with self-knowledge. I realized this even more clearly during a training I attended in a company... If I give you an example, my top five values ​​are: Honesty, success orientation, continuous development, family-loved ones and finding meaning.

Of course, many other topics can be added to these lists, such as courage, openness, benevolence, teamwork, spirituality, peace, joy, pleasure, luxury, productivity, etc. But it is important for you to be able to define the top 5 values ​​that are essential to you personally... So how? As we did during this training, you can put 100 values ​​in front of you as words; you can select the first 10 and then the top 5. While doing this, I recommend you think about what you spend most of your time and money on. If you work in a company where your values ​​match, lucky you and the company are. Share the top 5 values ​​you set for yourself.