Learning by Experience 36

Managing your emotions is a part of this job...

In 2004, there was an imbalance between the structures of sales and marketing in the company.

Our general manager asked the human resources to organize a feedback meeting with all regional managers at the term meeting.


At the term meeting, I, our HR director and about 30 regional managers gathered.

In the meeting where there was no format (it was a mistake) the regional managers dusted off with extremely destructive feedback “for me”. When I left the meeting, all I felt was a huge disappointment and fatigue!

How could they concentrate on the negative without seeing so many positives? I took their words very personal. 😊 I returned to Istanbul first thing next morning.

I questioned whether I wanted to continue in such an invaluable culture... Then I talked to my sister. "You always want to be liked by everyone without exception ... Let it not be like that anymore," she said. I thought a lot about that. Yes, from the moment I was born as the third daughter to the family, I have always had an enormous effort to be flawless and perfect ... Was it time to say stop?


Even though I was very upset inside, I got up and remained completely motivated. A year later, I became sales director to the same team ... There was not the slightest grudge.


For success: Drucker was right: Manage your business, your team and yourself, your emotions!