Learning by Experience 38

The life is made of choices...

In June 2006, the first general manager offer was received from my company 🏻Magaristan GM. Then, after 2 years in, for me to come back to Turkey to take over the task from our current general manager was a huge possibility.

On the one hand, I was overjoyed, and on the other hand I was very confused about what to do with family issues... Being one of the first female general managers of my company in the world, it was a great opportunity for me to realize myself. However, we had a 3.5-year-old son and a husband for whom it was impossible to come to Hungary with us because he was working in corporate life.

After some thought, I refused the job... Shock! I thought it was critical to prioritize my core value, my family, that no one could guarantee 2 years, etc.

Fortunately, I was working with very mature people. They found my opinion understandable and gave time until November.


It was during this period that my husband gave me tremendous support, seeing that I clearly preferred our family. We talked about his constant coming and going, that our son would be with me, etc. I also realized that I could set the 2-year limit myself, because life was all about options and you had to not limit yourself to the scenarios you feared ... The right decision for that moment was correct. I accepted the offer in November 🙏🏻


It was one of the most critical and correct decisions of my career. In every respect!